Based in London; Jessica Curran is a Director of Photography, Filmmaker & Specialist in 360˚ Video.
Formerly The Director of Photography at Visualise where she developed a number of custom rigs and shooting practices for 360˚acquisition, Jessica has over 10 years experience in filmmaking and a full understanding of production pipelines (Prep to post).
Moonlighting in a number of roles over her career, such as 1st AC, Operator, Light-Dep, Compositor, Editor and Colourist has enabled her to grow a number of skills, which help with her holistic approach to each and every project she is involved with.
Jessica has shot films (including 360˚ Monoscopic and Stereoscopic) in many challenging environments around the world; be it in remote parts off the Falkland Islands, a tuna boat in the Indian Ocean or at speed in a muscle car through the streets of Paris, Jessica has always strived to present stories in their best light.